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Peeking Under the Hood


This showcase demonstrates that the filtering and policing modules can work outside the context of a network node. Doing so may facilitate assembling and validating specific complex filtering and policing behaviors which can be difficult to replicate in a complete network.

INET version: 4.4

The Model

In this configuration we directly connect a per-stream filtering module to multiple packet sources.

Here is the network:


Here is the configuration:

network = PeekingUnderTheHoodShowcase
sim-time-limit = 1s
description = "Per-stream filtering several packet sources with sinusoidally changing datarate"

*.numSources = 3
*.sources[*].packetLength = 100B
*.sources[0].productionInterval = replaceUnit(sin(dropUnit(simTime() * 1)) + sin(dropUnit(simTime() * 8)) + 10, "ms") / 100
*.sources[1].productionInterval = replaceUnit(sin(dropUnit(simTime() * 2)) + 1.5, "ms") / 10
*.sources[2].productionInterval = replaceUnit(sin(dropUnit(simTime() * 3)) + 1.5, "ms") / 10

*.identifier.mapping = [{packetFilter: "sources[0]*", stream: "s0"},
                        {packetFilter: "sources[1]*", stream: "s1"},
                        {packetFilter: "sources[2]*", stream: "s2"}]

*.filter.typename = "SimpleIeee8021qFilter"
*.filter.numStreams = 3
*.filter.classifier.mapping = {s0: 0, s1: 1, s2: 2}

**.initialNumTokens = 0
*.filter.meter[*].typename = "SingleRateTwoColorMeter"
*.filter.meter[*].committedInformationRate = 8Mbps
*.filter.meter[*].committedBurstSize = 100kB


Here are the results:


Sources: omnetpp.ini, PeekingUnderTheHoodShowcase.ned


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