We have released INET 4.3 containing Time Sensitive Network and Colck Synchronization support.
With the release of INET 3.3 we are starting to work towards INET 4.0 which will contain numerous improvements that will require OMNeT++ 5.0. INET 3.3 is the last release that will work with both OMNeT++ 4.6 and 5.0.
Major features to be added in INET 4.0:
Now that INET 3.0 has been released, we made some changes to the git repository:
branch has been renamed to v2.x
. It will hold maintenance commits
for the INET 2.x.master
branch has been set to the commit containing the 3.0 release.integration
branch will contain the changes scheduled for INET 4.0.We hope that you find the changes in INET 3.0 useful and will start using it in your own projects.
We added a bit/symbol-level physical layer model for the IEEE 802.11 OFDM PHY, and a generic APSK model for experimentation. The implementation includes forward error correction, scambling, interleaving and modulation. We have also started to run simulations to compare the symbol-level models with frame-level simulations for model verification.
We have fixed more than 300 defects found by Coverity, decreasing Defect Density to 0.5/kLoC.
We plan to release 2.99.1 in the next few weeks.
We are working in the integration branch towards INET-3.0.
What we’ve been doing since the INET-2.99.0 pre-release:
Now that INET-1.99.4 has been released, we are currently concentrating on code and protocol reviews.
Additional short term plans:
For the last six months or so, development has taken place in the master branch of the repository, with periodic releases of that branch as INET-1.99.x.
To see what’s been done, check the WHATSNEW file in the repository, or browse the commits directly.
Short-term plans include the integration of the 802.15.4 model from INETMANET, HttpTools and MiXiM.
The following topic branches are currently open in the INET repository:
– recently contributed BGP protocol (mostly done)topic/ethernet
– changing Ethernet to use channel datarate instead of parameter (mostly done)topic/ospfrenaming
– OSPF model code style fixes (mostly done)topic/signals
– signals-based result recording instead of cOutVector/recordScalar (halfway)topic/PcapTrace
– capturing and recording PCAP traces via GUItopic/tcp_lwip
– lwIP integration as alternative TCP (mostly done)topic/tcp_socket_read
– application-level flow control in TCP (in work)topic/tcptransfermode
– refactoring of TCP send/recvQueueClass to a transferMode parameter (halfway)topic/wizards
– wizards to generate wireless and other networks (halfway)The plan is to have these branches finished, reviewed, and merged into master over the next few months.