March 27, 2014
We are happy to announce the latest stable version of the INET Framework. This version requires OMNeT++ 4.3 or 4.4.
This release contains several new protocols, and a lot of changes that were backported from the current integration branch (destined to be INET 3.0).
Application startTime/stopTime fixes:
DHCPServer and Client:
SCTP improvements submitted by Irene Rungeler and Thomas Dreibholz:
STP / RSTP support (802.1d) added to the EthernetSwitch:
Nodes automatically pick-up the network configuration on restart:
INetFilter::IHook API:
Added new routing protocols:
These protocols use INetFilter::IHook, too.
Revised Mobility code: Split the ‘models’ directory into multiple directories:
In addition, there were several bugfixes and smaller improvements See the WHATSNEW and per-directory ChangeLog files for further details.
You can download INET-2.3.0 here.