Priority Scheduler ================== This step demonstrates the :ned:`PriorityScheduler` module. The module pops packets from the first connected non-empty queue or packet provider. In this example network, two active packet sources (:ned:`ActivePacketSource`) generate packets in random periods. The packets are pushed into queues (:ned:`PacketQueue`), where they are stored temporarily. The queues are connected to a priority scheduler (:ned:`PriorityScheduler`). An active packet sink (:ned:`ActivePacketSink`) pops packets from the scheduler, which in turn pops packets from one of the queues in a prioritized way, favoring the first queue. .. figure:: media/PriorityScheduler.png :width: 90% :align: center .. literalinclude:: ../QueueingTutorial.ned :start-at: network PrioritySchedulerTutorialStep :end-before: //---- :language: ned .. literalinclude:: ../omnetpp.ini :start-at: Config PriorityScheduler :end-at: collectionInterval :language: ini