Passive Source - Active Sink ============================ This step demonstrates the :ned:`ActivePacketSink` and :ned:`PassivePacketSource` modules. The active packet sink (:ned:`ActivePacketSink`) periodically pops packets from the passive packet source (:ned:`PassivePacketSource`). The active packet sink module has a configurable collection interval. The passive packet source also has a configurable providing interval, which limits the times at which packets can be popped from the module. .. figure:: media/PassiveSourceActiveSink.png :width: 60% :align: center .. literalinclude:: ../QueueingTutorial.ned :start-at: network ProviderCollectorTutorialStep :end-before: //---- :language: ned .. literalinclude:: ../omnetpp.ini :start-at: Config PassiveSourceActiveSink :end-at: collectionInterval :language: ini