Statistical Policing ==================== Goals ----- In this example we combine a sliding window rate meter with a probabilistic packet dropper to achieve a simple statistical policing. | INET version: ``4.4`` | Source files location: `inet/showcases/tsn/streamfiltering/statistical `__ The Model --------- In this configuration we use a sliding window rate meter in combination with a statistical rate limiter. The former measures the thruput by summing up the packet bytes over the time window, the latter drops packets in a probabilistic way by comparing the measured datarate to the maximum allowed datarate. Here is the network: .. figure:: media/Network.png :align: center :width: 100% Here is the configuration: .. literalinclude:: ../omnetpp.ini :language: ini Results ------- Here are the results: .. figure:: media/ClientApplicationTraffic.png :align: center .. figure:: media/BestEffortTrafficClass.png :align: center .. figure:: media/VideoTrafficClass.png :align: center .. figure:: media/ServerApplicationTraffic.png :align: center Sources: :download:`omnetpp.ini <../omnetpp.ini>` Discussion ---------- Use `this `__ page in the GitHub issue tracker for commenting on this showcase.