Using Simulated Applications in a Real Network ============================================== Goals ----- This showcase demonstrates how a simulated application can function as a real application and communicate over a real network. This opens up a range of possibilities, such as testing the behavior of a simulation model over a real network, or evaluating its interoperability with real-world implementations of the same application. The goal is achieved by utilizing the INET application-layer module within a "wrapper" simulation. In this simulation, (1) we map INET sockets to the real sockets of the host operating system (OS), thus allowing application traffic to go through the network stack of the host OS, and (2) we employ a real-time event scheduler to ensure that timings align with real time. As an example, the demonstration uses a Voice over IP (VoIP) application. The sender and receiver applications run in separate simulations in real time, and send realistic VoIP traffic (contents of an audio file) over the host network. The received audio is saved to a file, which can be compared to the original to assess the impact of network transmission on audio quality. Please note that the ``VoipStream`` and ``NetworkEmulationSupport`` features of the INET Framework must be enabled for this demonstration (they are disabled by default), and it is only compatible with Linux systems. | INET version: ``4.0`` | Source files location: `inet/showcases/emulation/voip `__ Introduction ------------ Let's see a bit of background first. INET contains several components to allow a variety of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation scenarios. Specifically, it contains one or two additional variants for several protocols and interfaces: an "ext lower" and/or an "ext upper" variant. The naming indicates that the given "half" of the protocol or interface connects to something external to the simulation, namely to an interface or socket on the host OS. This showcase demonstrates how such modules make it possible to build HIL scenarios like real apps/devices in a simulated network, or simulated apps/devices in a real network. In this showcase, we'll use :ned:`ExtLowerUdp`. This is a module that looks like a normal UDP module to its higher layers (i.e. applications), but in fact it sends and receives real UDP packets via the network stack of the host OS. In our simulation, we'll let a pair of VoIP applications that normally use the :ned:`Udp` module communicate over :ned:`ExtLowerUdp`, and we'll make the actual UDP packets travel across a real network so that we can see how that affects voice quality. The simulations will be run under a real-time event scheduler (``inet::RealTimeScheduler``), so that timings correspond to real time. Note that the division of the simulated and real parts of the network is arbitrary; INET has support for dividing the network at other levels of the protocol stack; for example, at the link layer. For an more information on emulation in INET, read the :doc:`Emulation section ` in the User's Guide. The Simulation Setup -------------------- The following figure illustrates the simulation setup: .. figure:: media/setup.png :align: center :width: 40% We'll use the :ned:`VoipStreamSender` and :ned:`VoipStreamReceiver` modules to generate the realistic VoIP traffic, and :ned:`ExtLowerUdp` modules to connect the applications to the real network. These modules are the only ones we need, so the following "network" will suffice: .. literalinclude:: ../AppContainer.ned :language: ned :start-at: network AppContainer We'll configure the ``app`` submodule to have type :ned:`VoipStreamSender` and :ned:`VoipStreamReceiver` on the sender and the receiver side, respectively. Both networks look like the following when run under Qtenv: .. image:: media/VoipStreamSenderApplication.png :width: 25% :align: center .. note:: The ``AppContainer`` module used in this showcase is quite generic. It can turn any (UDP-only) simulated application into a real-life application that communicates over the network stack of the host OS. Operation ~~~~~~~~~ When we run the simulations, :ned:`VoipStreamSender` in the sender-side simulation process will generate VoIP packets and send them to its :ned:`ExtLowerUdp` module. :ned:`ExtLowerUdp` maintains a real UDP socket in the host OS, so the packets it receives from the application will be sent in real UDP packets over the protocol stack of the host OS. The UDP packets will then travel through the real network, and find their way to the node which runs the receiver-side simulation process. The packets will be received by the real UDP socket that :ned:`ExtLowerUdp` maintains there, converted to simulation packets, then sent up to the :ned:`VoipStreamReceiver` module. The :ned:`VoipStreamReceiver` module receives and decodes them, and creates an audio file at the end of the simulation. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the simulation, only a sender node and a receiver node are needed in order to send the packets into the real network on one side and receive them on the other side. The two simulated nodes are in separate parts of the whole network, so they are defined in separate networks in the NED file, and run in separate simulations. The :ned:`ExtLowerUdp` module behaves just like the :ned:`Udp` module from the point of view of the modules above them. In this showcase (aside from assigning the :ned:`ExtLowerUdp` modules to network namespaces) only the VoIP modules need to be configured. The simulations are defined in separate configurations of :download:`omnetpp.ini <../omnetpp.ini>`. - The :ned:`VoipStreamSender` module transmits the contents of an audio file as VoIP traffic. The module resamples the audio, encodes it with a codec, chops it into packets and sends the packets via UDP. By default, it creates packets containing 20 ms of audio, and sends a packet every 20 ms. The codec, the sample rate, the time length of the audio packets, and other settings can be specified by parameters. - The :ned:`VoipStreamReceiver` module can receive this data stream, decode it and save it as an audio file. The module numbers the incoming packets, and discards out-of-order ones. There is a playout delay (specified by parameter; by default 20 ms) simulating a de-jitter buffer. The :ned:`VoipStreamSender` and :ned:`VoipStreamReceiver` modules are configured just like they would be in a fully simulated scenario, no special configuration is needed. Here is the relevant configuration: .. literalinclude:: ../omnetpp.ini :language: ini :end-before: VoipSenderLoopback Running ------- Several setups are provided here. In addition to running the setup over a real network, two other setup are also provided that only use the local computer, so they are supposedly easier to try out. Over a Real Network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To try this showcase over a real network, you need to install the simulation on two different machines. When it is done: First, run the following command on the receiver side: .. code-block:: bash $ inet -u Cmdenv -c VoipReceiver Once the receiver is running, enter the following command on the sender side (replace ```` with the IP address of the host the receiver side is running on): .. code-block:: bash $ inet -u Cmdenv -c VoipSender '--*.app.destAddress=""' That's all. When the receiver-side simulation exits, you'll find the received audio file in ``results/received.wav``. You may need to raise the CPU time limit in the receiver-side simulation so that it does not exit prematurely. Using the Loopback Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this configuration, both simulations run on the same host, and packets will go via the loopback interface. Each sent packet goes down the protocol stack, through the loopback interface, and back up the protocol stack into the other simulation process. The setup for the loopback interface case is illustrated by the following figure: .. figure:: media/setup2.png :align: center :width: 40% You can run this scenario in the same way as the previous one, just specify ```` for destination address. .. code-block:: bash $ inet -u Cmdenv -c VoipReceiver & $ inet -u Cmdenv -c VoipSender '--*.app.destAddress=""' Loopback Interface with Realistic Network Conditions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Linux kernel allows us to apply delay, jitter, packet loss and data corruption to the packets traveling through the loopback interface. We can use this feature to simulate the effects of the packets going through a real network. To try it, issue the following command before running the simulations. The command adds some delay (10ms with 1ms random variation), packet loss and data corruption to the traffic passing through the loopback interface: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo tc qdisc add dev lo root netem loss 1% corrupt 5% delay 10ms 1ms When you are done with the experiments, run the following command to restore the loopback interface to its original state: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo tc qdisc del dev lo root Alternatively, you can use the provided :download:`run_loopback<../run_loopback>` script that automates the above procedure. Using Virtual Ethernet Interfaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This configuration uses network namespaces and virtual Ethernet interfaces, which are features provided by the Linux kernel. A network namespace provides a complete virtualized network stack independent from the main network stack of the host OS. We'll create two namespaces, ``net0`` and ``net1``. Then we'll create a virtual Ethernet interface in both, and name them ``veth0`` and ``veth1``. The two interfaces will be connected to each other. This setup is illustrated below: .. figure:: media/setup3.png :align: center :width: 40% It can be produced with the following lengthy sequence of commands that needs to be run as *root*: .. literalinclude:: ../veth_setup :language: bash :start-at: create namespaces The commands create the two namespaces, and a *veth* interface in each. Then they add routes; a route for both direction is required because even though VoIP traffic uses only one direction, there is an ARP exchange at the beginning. Note that the *veth* interfaces are created in pairs, and are automatically connected to each other. The last command adds some some delay, packet loss and corruption to the ``veth0`` interface like we did in the loopback-based setup. In the simulation configurations, we need to tell the :ned:`ExtLowerUdp` modules to use the ``net0`` / ``net1`` namespaces, and set the sender's ``destAddress`` parameter to ````. .. literalinclude:: ../omnetpp.ini :language: ini :start-at: VoipSenderVirtualEth You can run the simulations with the following commands: .. code-block:: bash $ inet -s -u Cmdenv -c VoipReceiverVirtualEth & $ inet -s -u Cmdenv -c VoipSenderVirtualEth When you are finished, you can remove the virtual Ethernet interfaces by deleting the namespaces with the following commands (also to be run as *root*): .. literalinclude:: ../veth_teardown :language: bash :start-after: remove the namespaces If you don't want to enter the setup and teardown commands manually, you can use the provided :download:`veth_setup<../veth_setup>` and :download:`veth_teardown<../veth_teardown>` scripts (with ``sudo``), or use :download:`run_veth<../run_veth>` that automates the complete procedure. Results ------- Let's look at results obtained from running the loopback-based configuration with a lossy link. As a reference, you can listen to the original audio file by clicking the play button below: .. raw:: html

Here is the received audio file: .. raw:: html

The quality of the received sound is degraded compared to the original. The sender creates and sends audio packets every 20ms, but when they go through the host OS protocol stack, the packets are sent in bursts, as illustrated by the following image. The image displays the time for packets sent by the sender (left) and packets received by the receiver (right): .. figure:: media/log.png :width: 100% :align: center The traffic becomes bursty before the delay and jitter are applied. The time difference between the packets in a burst is smaller than the applied jitter, so that some of the packets are reordered. The receiver drops out-of-order packets, thus the audio quality suffers. Without the jitter, the packets would still arrive in bursts, but not reordered. The quality would be nearly as good as the original file. (To reduce burstiness and keep the packet order, a data rate can be specified in the ``netem`` command, e.g. ``rate 1000kbps``. This eliminates reordering in this scenario.) Sources: :download:`omnetpp.ini <../omnetpp.ini>`, :download:`AppContainer.ned <../AppContainer.ned>`, :download:`run_loopback <../run_loopback>`, :download:`run_veth <../run_veth>`, :download:`veth_setup <../veth_setup>`, :download:`veth_teardown <../veth_teardown>` Discussion ---------- Use `this page `__ in the GitHub issue tracker for commenting on this showcase.