# ------------------------- # Additional configurations # ------------------------- # These are not part of the showcase, but they might be useful for experimentation include omnetpp.ini [Config ManetRoutingBase] #abstract-config = true (requires omnet 7) # add a UDP sink to the gateway *.gateway.numApps = 1 *.gateway.app[0].typename = "UdpSink" *.gateway.app[0].localPort = 1000 # sensors send packets to gateway (instead of server) *.sensor*.app[0].destAddresses = "gateway" *.visualizer.*.infoVisualizer.modules = "*.gateway.app[0]" # disable netmask routes in Ipv4 **.netmaskRoutes = "" # configurator - only assign IP addresses, don't add routes (except for the wired link between the gateway and the server) *.configurator.add*Routes = false *.configurator.config = xml(' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ') # visualize routing tables **.displayRoutingTables = true [Config AodvBase] #abstract-config = true (requires omnet 7) description = "Use AODV instead of static routes" extends = ManetRoutingBase # add AODV to nodes **.numApps = 2 **.app[1].typename = "Aodv" # AODV settings #**.useHelloMessages = true #**.askGratuitousRREP = true [Config DsdvBase] #abstract-config = true (requires omnet 7) description = "Use DSDV instead of static routes" extends = ManetRoutingBase # add DSDV to nodes *.*.routing.typename = "Dsdv" *.*.*.routingTableModule = "^.ipv4.routingTable" [Config BMacAodv] sim-time-limit = 25s extends = BMac, AodvBase [Config XMacAodv] sim-time-limit = 25s extends = XMac, AodvBase [Config LMacAodv] sim-time-limit = 25s extends = LMac, AodvBase [Config BMacDsdv] sim-time-limit = 25s extends = BMac, DsdvBase network = ManetSensorNetwork #expected-result = "ERROR" [Config XMacDsdv] sim-time-limit = 25s extends = XMac, DsdvBase network = ManetSensorNetwork #expected-result = "ERROR" [Config LMacDsdv] sim-time-limit = 25s extends = LMac, DsdvBase network = ManetSensorNetwork #expected-result = "ERROR"